据说,陶哲轩(Terrence Tao)是40岁以下最聪明的美国科学家。陶哲轩,1975年7月15日在澳大利亚出生,是家中长子。现任教于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)数学系,24岁时便被聘为正教授。研究涉及质数或素数形式,在压缩感知方面的突破性研究令工程师可以开发出用于核磁共振成像、天文仪器和数码相机领域的更尖端、更有效的成像技术。
Suppose you are trying to get from one end A of a terminal to the other end B. (For simplicity, assume the terminal is a one-dimensional line segment.) Some portions of the terminal have moving walkways (in both directions); other portions do not. Your walking speed is a constant v, but while on a walkway, it is boosted by the speed u of the walkway for a net speed of v+u. (Obviously, given a choice, one would only take those walkways that are going in the direction one wishes to travel in.) Your objective is to get from A to B in the shortest time possible.
1. Suppose you need to pause for some period of time, say to tie your shoe. Is it more efficient to do so while on a walkway, or off the walkway? Assume the period of time required is the same in both cases.
1. 假定你需要暂停片刻,比如系鞋带。请问你应该在电动扶梯上系,还是在没有上电动扶梯时系?假定两种情况下,系鞋带的时间相同。
2. Suppose you have a limited amount of energy available to run and increase your speed to a higher quantity v' (or v'+u, if you are on a walkway). Is it more efficient to run while on a walkway, or off the walkway? Assume that the energy expenditure is the same in both cases.
2. 假定你有有限数量的多余能量,用来奔跑。在跑动时,你的速度提高到v'(如果在电动扶梯上,就相应为v'+u)。请问你应该在电动扶梯上跑,还是在没有上电动扶梯时跑?假定两种情况下,你可供奔跑的能量相同。
3. Do the answers to the above questions change if one takes into account the various effects of special relativity? (This is of course an academic question rather than a practical one. But presumably it should be the time in the airport frame that one wants to minimise, not time in one's personal frame.)
3. 在狭义相对论的情况下,上述答案是否发生改变?
(来源:Greg Mankiw's Blog)